Adoption Encourages Human Trafficking

At first glance, international adoption seems like a good thing. Western parents get a kid to raise, and said kid gets taken out of their third-world orphanage and into a world of comfort. Win-win, right? Yep, especially if you happen to be a human trafficker.

It all comes down to supply and demand. Right now, there’s a demand in our culture for third-world orphans - with the result that a horrifying supply chain has grown up to cater to our needs. In Ghana, a 2009 raid on orphanages found that over 90 percent of the children had at least one living parent. In 2007, a French charity called Zoe’s Ark was stopped while attempting to fly 103 “Sudanese war refugees” out of Chad - only for authorities to discover that none of them were Sudanese, none were war refugees, and nearly all of them had been forcibly taken from their parents.

Meanwhile, a whole Ethiopian industry has been created for kidnapping children, smuggling them over borders, and selling them to adoptive parents as foundlings. In short, this isn’t regular corruption, this is human trafficking on an industrial scale - with kids being torn from their families, sold to tourist-oriented orphanages, and denied a proper life - all thanks to our altruistic need to be seen doing “good.”


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