Salem Witch Trials
The 1692 Salem Witch Trials are everyone’s favourite example of mob mentality, and although the incident has been discussed to death, it’s worth mentioning. It truly epitomizes what can happen when religious extremism and mobs collide. In fact, this incident made such an impression that - over 320 years later - we still use the phrase “witch hunt” to describe people being senselessly persecuted.
No doubt you’ve heard the story: a couple of girls started acting weird (having fits, diving under furniture, contorting in pain, etc.) and claimed witches were responsible for their “sickness.” They pointed fingers at specific women in Salem, and after the doctor confirmed the girls were possessed, the already witch-phobic town went berserk. Salem officials started arresting suspected witches based on the flimsiest evidence (accusations from little girls), and the town went along with the whole thing, relishing in the witches’ destruction.
Perhaps the most bizarre part was the inane methods they used to judge the guilt of the suspects. Basically, if they wanted you to be guilty, they could take anything on your body or in your home and twist into something “witchy.” Have a mole or blemish? Actually, that’s a “witch’s teat.” You’re a witch. Keep a bottle of ointment in your house? Well, that’s witch contraband.
Altogether, they imprisoned 150 people and killed 25; 19 were hanged, one man who refused to enter a plea was crushed under heavy stones, and five died in prison.
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