Process of Natural Death

I'm not given for answers like 'the organs shut down,' or 'our body stops producing genes.' I'm telling you why that happens. We have the ability to stay alive forever by having our cells replacing themselves all the time. So why does it stop?

The reason behind this natural phenomenon is that our cells are predestined to death however these dead cells are also replaced by new cells which are the exact copy of previous cells. This process is under the control of genetic information stored in our cells in the form of DNA (genetic material).
When the cell divides this genetic material (DNA) also divides and produces the copies, which are exactly same as that of original DNA. This process usually provides the integrated copies however there are some factors, which disturbed the integration, and results in various malfunctions. These factors are responsible for producing mutations, which causes changes in the genetic material, which ultimately results in the degradation of DNA.
These damaging factors include various harmful chemicals, ultraviolet radiation, toxins, gamma radiation, X-rays and endogenous replication errors.

The mechanism involved in the damage cause by these factors involves the shortening of telomeres (a part of chromosomes that is involved in replication of DNA). DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the genetic material in humans arranged in the form of chromosomes, covered by a structural component called telomeres. These are like tape on the end of a rope that keep it from coming undone and maintain it's structural integrity. The more times a cell has replicated, the shorter these telomeres become, because the cell can't replicate the DNA to the very end of the strand. Once the telomeres reach a certain "shortness" it signals the cell to die... effectively limiting the number of times a cell can divide.
There are some cells, which do not replicate in their entire lifetime. So once they are damaged they can’t be repaired for example neuron cells usually known as brain cells and since your brain controls many other bodily functions, once you lose that you're out of luck.
This destructive process occurs if at cell levels results in cell death, if at organ level results in organ failure but if it involves the whole body it results in death.
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